A Lifetime of Happiness: Movies, TV, and Video Games

Batman (1966)

August 03, 2022 Steve Bennet-Martin, Stephen Martin-Bennet Season 1 Episode 131
A Lifetime of Happiness: Movies, TV, and Video Games
Batman (1966)
Show Notes Transcript

The Steves celebrate August with a month of camp, starting with the campy 1966 movie, Batman, along with what's making them happy in pop culture today!

What's making us happy?

  • Nope (in theatres)
  • Thor: Love and Thunder (Theatres, and eventually Disney +)

Movie Topics

  • What is 'camp'
  • How is The Batman an example of camp?
  • Names and numbers behind the scene
  • A grown man and his teenage ward- sus, right?
  • Exploding sharks and kamikaze porpoises
  • Batman's continuing history with Catwoman
  • and much more!

Ending- Any music or audio clips were borrowed from the original source material.

Support the show


Hello, returning happys and new listeners. This is Steve Bennet-Martin,


and this is Stephen Martin-Bennet. And welcome to a


lifetime of happiness. The podcast where we take you on our journey through some of the movies, TV shows, and other bits of pop culture that are helping to keep us happy. Well, hopefully bring a smile to your face along the way.


And for August, it's all about summer camp. And by that, we mean we'll be celebrating some of our favorite campy movies. And first up is the very camp, 1966 movie. No NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Batman, Batman, Batman.


Yes. And I'm excited to hear you talk more about it. Cause I know this was a big part of your childhood.


Yes. But before we get into that, my love has there been anything that's been making you happy? Nope. Are you sure? We've had watched so much great stuff there. Hasn't been a single thing that's stuck out to you. Nope. Oh no. This is supposed to be happy though, babe. I said, Nope. Oh right. The movie we saw the Jordan peel horror movie. Nope. Ah, yes.


That did make us happy. Didn't it? It did.


Yeah. He is in my book is three for three.


Yes. I certainly agree. I know that I liked it better than us, but I, I don't think anything compares to get out, get out, not at all. And


what's great is that he is directing these horror movie. And while they're all horror, they're different genres of horror. Like none of them are the same. Yeah. And it's really, really interesting that way. And it's such a, in like a deep take on things and you could start like analyzing everything that you saw and talk about it for hours and hours. The cast was amazing. Kiki Palmer is just incomparable. I love her. You know, I remember back watching her in Aquila and the bee. Yeah. And then scream Queens. And now this I'm like, I'm all for the Kiki revolution. Yes.


I enjoyed it a lot. It makes me not wanna have a pet Chimp anymore. that is something I'm impressing off of my wishlist. Yes. But we will shall say no more for now. Yes.


And my darling. What about. Was there anything that we've seen recently that made you happy? Th


love and thunder, cuz there's nothing like a Chris Hemsworth. Booty


booty. Yes. I thought you said movie at first booty. Yes. There was his booty when he was talking to Zeus. Yes. But no,


overall it was a very fun movie. I never thought after watching the first or that those would be the ones that turned into like the, the funny hijinks in


space. Oh, I know. And I. Loved Natalie Portman, like stepping up in this movie into a very, like, it's definitely. A continuation of her Jane Foster role, but it's also a different take on her Jane Foster that felt real and authentic and earned and really just loved it. Yeah, it


was a really good movie. It's a Marvel movie. So it helps the more you've watched. But if not, I would say that this is one that you can go into pretty blind. They do a good job of elaborating what happened and. 100%. Yes. Feel free to jump in. If you just wanna fun. Summer romp and space. Yes.


Now where you said we were gonna be talking about camping movies for summer camp August. What is camp camp


is where kids go to have fun with no, no, no, no, no. Okay. Camp is cinematic camp. That is an aesthetic style and sensibility that regards something as appealing because of its bad taste and ironic.


Interesting. Tell me


more. Well, Susan Sontag wrote an essay notes on camp in 1964, which is where it was like first like published and talked about. And it emphasized its key elements as artifice frivol naive, middle class pretentiousness and shocking access.


Yes. So there is intentional. An unintentional camp and we'll be covering some of both this month.


Yes. But we are starting off with what is clearly intentional camp.


Yes. So intentional camp is where they purposefully are over the top and just really out there and going for it, swinging for the fences and having a good time unintentional camp is when they thought they were making a certain. And it wasn't at all that way. Like Showgirls, Showgirls is now very beloved by a large group of people, but not for the reasons that it was in originally made. It is discovered now to be this true. Can't be delight. Yeah. But that's not what it was made. They thought they were making this provocative drama.


Yes. I'm very excited to cover that later this month.


Yes. now, this was your first time seeing Batman. Yes. You've seen many other Batman. This is a


very different Batman than the Batman that I believe that most of us are used to. And in like the wildest ways, like, I can't believe that this was like a TV show that people watched and like thought for years, like some of them taking it seriously or like binding it so entertaining that they're able to overlook some of.


Like I grew up watching this on the family channel and the family channel is now known as freeform. Yes. And so it used to come on at five and five 30 and the episodes always ended with a cliff hanger. Mm-hmm like, and it, the announcer would say tune in same bat time, same bat channel. And thankfully. You get to see the continuation. Yeah. Right there. But in her, it was just so enjoyable and each week was a different villain. And I just love it so much there. Like for this one, I love because you get so many of the characters you've seen portrayed in other media in a completely different way. I love the over the top. I love that everything has the word bat in it, or penguin or penguin.


And they're very big into branding in


Gotham city. yes. And there's just the joy of it all because like, I think everybody had a good time making this movie. Yes.


I mean, they certainly had to have, I would


think, but, and like, and these are serious. Actors that are playing the villains, like Caesar Romero and Burgess Meredith and Frank Gorham. These are serious actors. Yeah. That took on these roles and defined how people saw these characters for years and years and years. Honestly like watching the show Caesar Romero's version of the joker is one of my absolute favorite versions of the joker. if you are talking about over the top in insane, he really, yeah. Really goes there and. I, I just, I find it thoroughly enjoyable. Yes.


Now, before we get into the names and numbers, quick question because of its campiness. I can't wrap my mind around whether this was like, like who was its demographic audience? Was it adults? Was it children? Was it young adults?


I believe it was actually aimed at adults. Yeah.


Okay. I've had some of that very funny,


but because, you know, some of it is very sexy in nature. Mm-hmm with this too, but it's, it's nothing that's to risque. Because there, like, even in the first season, there's a scene where Batman goes to a nightclub mm-hmm and people offer him a drink and I believe he gets milk. Yes. And so it's very family friendly as well while being adult. Yes, it


certainly is. But yeah, it's just a great ride, so we'll get into it. And this was the very first full length theatrical adaptation of the DC comics character bat. Which is interesting that this was his first impression for movie goers. Yep. The movie was, was released on July 30th, 1966 as a continuation of the TV series of the time.


It was directed by Leslie H Martinson and was written by Lorenzo simple, Jr. Both of whom had prior experience with the first season of the TV series and with a budget


of$10. no, no. A budget of 1.37,$8 million. It received a box office of 3.9 million, both numbers being huge in the sixties. Yeah. Like


that is pretty impressive. To know how well it's done. And I'm also guessing that it probably has had much more of a cult following. And made more money. Oh yeah. In the long run,


you mean like people who buy like the updated blue rays and HG versions? I have no idea


what you're talking about.


yes. Now the film was released by 20th century Fox before Warner or brothers purchased the DC universe. Fox has since purchased Disney, making that technically the only DC universe movie owned by. I just think that while it takes a couple steps to get there with the history, I think it is funny that like Disney owns a Batman


movie. Yeah. And so it starts Adam West as Batman and Bert ward as Robin, the boy wonder both coming from the TV show. Meanwhile Lee Maryweather took over the role of Catwoman in place of Julie Newmar, who was unable to film during the tight turnaround. In between seasons. And so that's how we end up with three cat women in the 1960s with the third being earth, a kit who took over in season three from Julie Newmar. Yes.


And it is just interesting to see the different iterations. Oh. And and everyone has a different


favorite. Everyone has a different favorite of the TV show while earth kit is amazing. Julie Newmar is actually my favorite


Catwoman. You might wanna say, thanks for


everything. I thank you for everything. Julie Newmar, the movie itself. So it starts off with the narration, you know, of. Millionaire Bruce Wayne in his youthful war, Dick Grayson are called back to stately Wayne Manor. And, you know, because of some urgent bat business.


Yes. And question with that. Is it often like back then in the sixties for full grown men to have youthful awards?


Okay. So like these days you would say, oh, It's like Congressman Matt Getz and his, you know, child that he quote unquote adopted and most people think that he's having a relationship with. Yeah. It just, it,


if that happened today, I would just think it was like a F boy. Yeah. Like I wouldn't think that it


was no like Mo like if you look at it through today's standards, you would think that Bruce Wayne and because he's also. Millionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne. Yeah. That he's never really associated with a woman. And he spends all his time with Dick Grayson. You think that they've got something going on? Yes. Okay. And these days you would also call it a foster child? Yes. Yeah.


I don't know whether that makes it better or worse, but okay. Let's just keep on going. Yes. So when Batman and Robin get a tip that Commodor Midap is in danger, aboard is yacht. They launch a rescue.


They first take the Batmobile, atomic batteries to power turbines to speed, Roger, ready to move out and they get to the airport and then they can use the bat copter.


Yes. And as Batman descends on the bat ladder to land on the yacht. Yeah. Very clear marketing


labels because the bottom of the ladder. That ladder,


It suddenly vanishes beneath him. He rises out of the sea with a shark attacking his leg.


Holy sardine, Batman. And


that shark


I mean, I mean, it was the most realistic shark I think I've ever seen in a movie. I don't think


that that's true. I think that it makes the snake monsters and Buffy look real, like. It just was so bad that if you wanted to know, like, what is camp? Like someone was like, yo, let's give him a rubber shark and like wrap it around his leg. He'll have to like punch it a lot


that he had no puncture wounds from


afterwards. I know it was his bat armor before he got the bat shark, which, which is different than regular shark repellent.


How because it says bat. Oh, okay. Yeah. So Batman does, disloved the. As Steve said, thanks to the bat shark repellent. And as the shark falls into the ocean, it explodes Batman and Robin head back to commissioner Gordon's office, where they deduce with some pretty S shotty logic that the tip was a set up by the United underworld, a gathering of four, the most powerful villains and golfing city, the joker, the penguin, the Ridler and Catwoman.


Yes. Like for instance, if cat woman, because this all happened out at sea C C for cat woman, cat woman. Yeah.


Oh, That man. I mean, all this is just a horrible riddle. Yes. Riddle or yeah. Like their logic doesn't work at all in so many of these things. And that's part of the beauty of the camp. And as they're playing it, they play it so straight. Yeah. That it's even better. Like, we'll get into that whenever we get to some of these riles. Yes. Like, what are some of the things that you notice right away with this?


Well, I thought it was interesting cuz the Batman that I know is a vigilante that works alone and talks really


gruff and, and is wanted usually by the golf of city PD.


Yeah. And meanwhile, this one starts off with like thanking all the police officers and people who help our country runs smoothly. And he's like a little spokesperson for like the government and


he's loved by the citizens cuz these two people are having a picnic and they're like, makes you feel good to see him up there doing their thing.


Yeah. And I mean, you could run around town with a bomb and everyone's just gonna keep on going about their shit. Like everything's gonna be fine. And


even Mr. Gordon says that he's a fully deputized agent of the law.


Yeah. So that that's very different than the Batman that we know today.


And also I love. To get to the back cave. You have to slide down the bat pole. Yes. And as you're sliding down the bat pole, you flip a switch and by the time you get to the bottom, it has put your costume on you. Yes.


You were like, mom, we need one of


these. Yeah. We lived in a one story house with a basement below us, but I still wanted that. Why I wanted a bat pole so that I could just change clothes that way. Other things, obviously you can see his very. Utility belt. Yes. What is in that belt? So I think that he probably has sunflower seeds. Mm-hmm, some rose quarts, crystals for love and a healthy snack.


Yes. Nothing, nothing like a bottle of lobe and a pack of rubbers for his teenage ward. that's probably


what Robin has and is. Okay. no we find out about the four super criminals they're at large. And what are your thoughts on the four villains? I mean,


these are the four villains, no matter what Batman you're watching you see again and again, and again like these, these are the most popular, these are the most popular by far. So I mean, it is bold to have all four of them in a movie, but I guess I'm sure that some of them were already introduced in the episodes.


They, they had all been in the TV show by this point. Yeah. So like we, the audience was all familiar with them.


Yeah. And so I think that it's really genius at that point, taking the big four and putting them into one movie and have it work. Yeah. Really.


now some behind the scenes, things that are fun, golden girls, fans will recognize Caesar Romero as the joker, as one of Sophia's boyfriends, where Sophia ends up sleeping with him. And she says that she loves him and he says, I care about you. And she breaks up with him and finds out later that he, after his wife died, didn't wanna love anybody else. So he would say, I care about you and it was the whole thing. And that was also the episode where blanch made over. Sophia said that she looked like a 65 year old drag queen. Oh no. Yeah.


well, thank you for all of that. Yeah. I also love how he was so famous enough where you'd be like, I'm not shaving my mustache. You can just put makeup over it. Yep. Just deal with


it. and they clearly refer to him as the crown prince of crime and, or the crown prince of crime. The clown prince of crime. Yes. And there were other things that were fun that you saw, like with the shooting? Well, yeah, I


was interested cuz at first, when I was watching it, I was like everything in the, like the villain's headquarters is like shot at this. We really weird angle three quarter. Yeah. Yeah. And so it ends up that it's called a Dutch angle and it was to show. They were crooked. get it like cuz they were villains that they're crooked villains. So let's just shoot everything when the four of them are together just as crooked, crooked. I


mean you gotta give'em credit that some thinking in advance.


It is very funny. Yes. So


the four criminals are hiding out above the old Benbo Tavern down at the docks. Okay. So either. This is the only place that was available. Yeah. It worked better for the story later in the movie, but you have to think an apartment above a rowdy bar. I mean, I guess it's probably a pretty good hiding spot, but. You couldn't have gotten an empty warehouse somewhere, or


I don't know. It happens all the time in RPGs


okay. And they equip themselves with a a dehydrator that can turn humans into dust. It's an invention of Commodor Schmidlap because he was using it for an instant whiskey maker. Yeah. And he is also unaware that he has been kidnapped. He thinks that he is still out at. And that they're caught in a fog bank and can't make an into Gotham city. Yes.




I, somebody smart enough to invent a dehydrator. Yeah.


yeah. I, I would hope that if I was ever kidnapped, I would just think I was on vacation.


I mean, they treat him well. Yes. I mean, he rings for his tea. They bring him tea and


sure. It might be drugs. Yeah.


And. the villains also escape in a war surplus pre atomic submarine made to resemble a penguin and they also have three pirate themed, hinging men. One of them named blue beard. Yes. And they're sold this submarine by the us Navy. And they bought it under the name of P in Gwen. What address? it was just a PO box. Yeah, that doesn't work.


So yeah, Batman was pissed. That


man was so mad at that Admiral and the Admiral was playing tiddly winks with the secretary and was like, Batman. Did I do a bad thing?


Yeah. he's like, no shit Sherlock and hangs up. So Batman and Robin learned that the yacht was really a holographic projection and returned via bat boat to buy a buoy. Yes, concealing a projector where they are trapped on the buoy by a magnet and targeted by torpedoes. They use a radio designator to destroy two of the missiles, but the battery dies yep. It looks like they're


doomed. Yep. But then a PPU sacrifices itself to intercept the last torpedo so they can live


what the


fuck. what


I'm still just so upset for that purpose.


What was it thinking? The dolphin was like, Oh, my God. That's Batman up there. I have to just throw myself in front of this torpedo and save them. It's just so messed up. I mean, it's not even Aquaman. It's Batman. I mean, if it had been Aquaman of the dolphins, like shit there's data, I have to


save him. Hmm, no, it was wild, wild, wild.


Now fun fact, this originally was planned as a pilot film for the TV. it was instead produced between seasons one and two to take advantage of the bigger budget for things like the bat boat, because this TV show took off like gangbusters in season one.



And I can only imagine with the looks of this movie, what would happen if they had a lower budget for it?


Oh, it was, I mean, this was very mod, very camp. Yeah. Like it was very intentional. like other than having like the bat copter and the bat boat and things like that. A lot of this looks like the TV show. Yeah.


No, and I, I, I believe you on that. I mean, a lot of it looks like it's just made up with like cardboard cutouts on the walls. Yeah. Of like different circles that just have the word button written on them in pencil.


Oh, the bat cave. Just as a bunch of flashing lights. Yeah. With like, this is our bat retinal scanner that we'll only use one time, but. Now you were mentioned penguin submarine.


Yes. And not only that, but I love the penguin head Periscope. Like who are they fooling with? Like a penguin, just like chilling out in the water. Yeah.


that's a tiny little pirate flag at the back of a parrot, which is just, no, we get some riddles at this time because Riddler also fires off a Polaris missile and. What does a Turkey do when he flies upside down? It gobbles up. Yes, of course. What ways? Six ounces sits in a tree and is very dangerous. A Sparrow


with a machine gun, obviously, obviously


in the commissioner whenever he hears, like they read that and Robin goes a Sparrow with a machine gun and commissioner corn's like, yes, of course, course. And they realize a cat would gobble up a burden. The tree. It's Catwoman.


Yes. which I thought they already knew because it happened at sea and C is for Catwoman. C is for Catwoman,


but now it's confirmed. And which makes me think that once. Robin was Bruce Wayne's ward that he stopped his schooling because C is actually spelled S E a. And so for Robin to think C C is for Catwoman. I'm like, Aw, sweetie. It's technically S


yeah. For Sina,


Kyle yeah, there you go. the dynamic duo commissioner, Gordon and chief. O'Hare trying to figure out what the United world is up to take over Gotham city. Any two of them could do that. The whole country, if it was three of them, I might agree. But with all four of them, I dare say, we are looking at the fate of the entire world.


And again, they jump to these like things that don't necessarily make full sense but they always end up being correct as well. They're always right on the money with it, which is what blows my mind is how successful they are at doing all of. Meanwhile, Catwoman disguised as a Soviet journalist


kit, tat KKA Ana also called Chika, which is the acronym for all those things.


Yes. And she helps the group kidnap Bruce Wayne and pretends to be kidnapped with him as part of a plot to lore Batman and finish him off with jokers Jack in the box spring trap to fly him out the window into another app. Penguin's explosive.


Not knowing that Bruce Wayne is Batman's alter ego,


therefore he's not gonna be able to rescue


himself. No, but how do once they kidnap them from the the borrowed penthouse apartment? How do they get back to the UN United underworld layer?


Freaking jet pack umbrellas. You betcha


with cat one back there going


with her, with her cat. He,


yeah, her cat's name is Heay, which I love. Adam West insisted that there'd be more screen time as Bruce Wayne for him to agree to the project.


Yes. Which I guess makes sense that he wants to be known as the man out of the suit. So that's where we got this little, like, love. Yeah. Try like love story going is because he's like, I need to be like the human me for ones.


And so we have a couple more riles that Kitco was dropped under her apartment door. What has yellow skin and rights,


a ballpoint banana.


Yeah. And what people are always in


a hurry. Now, this one actually is kind of funny when you get it. Yeah. Cause if they're in a hurry, they're rushing. So the Russian, yeah.


So someone rushing is gonna slip on a banana peel and break their neck the


only possible meaning. And they actually


say that they say precisely the only possible meaning. And so. We're also led to believe that kitten Bruce had a hell of a date before their kidnapping. And so this goes into the whole thing of Catwoman and Batman, Bruce Wayne, having a romantic connection.


And that continues on through the games, through the movies, every different version. There's always at the very least chemistry between the two,


like in the dark night trilogy, they end up together at the. in Batman returns, they have a romantic relationship and we see Catwoman alive at the end of there. So we think that there's hope. And even during the TV show, there's an interaction between Julie new Mar's Catwoman and Batman, where she's like, let's Jo, go off together. We can just get rid of Robin don't you get a little tired of as holy this and holy that, yeah. so it like. The whole Batman cat woman thing has always been interesting in all forms of medium. Yeah. And


even in the comics on earth too, they have a kid Helen, Elena and live happily ever after Helen. Elena's a




Yes. And she has a thing with bat woman or someone probably. I don't know. I don't read the comics, but Googled that just to see and learn that that's a whole thing.


Yep. After Bruce Wayne fights his way out of captivity. One of the Hinchman accidentally gets thrown into the waiting arms of the exploding OC octopus. And he, again, disguises himself as Batman and the dynamic duo returns to the United underworlds headquarters only defined a smoking bomb.


Yes. Now I think we need to stop here to talk about the smoking bum because that scene where he was trying to get rid of it. Oh. Was just so extra


and it's amazing. And so he's rushing all over these docks to get rid of the bomb. First, there's a band playing outside of the window of the headquarters. Then he runs downstairs into the bar and there's two drunk women eating crab legs, not paying attention to him saying, get out. Yes. Then there are two nuns outside and he runs the other way and there's a woman pushing a baby and a baby carriage. And then there's the band again. And then he goes over and there's some fishermen. Then there's two people in a rowboat kissing. And then there are Butan tanks and then there's the nuns again, and the mother and the baby again, and the band again, and some ducks. And he says, some days you just can't get rid of a. But he does. So in the Nick of time, holy heart


failure, Batman. Yeah.


it's amazing. And it it's a running gag that keeps going and it keeps getting funnier. Yeah. Because this band keeps playing the same song. They see him charging at them with. This bomb over his head. That's the size of a bowling ball. Yeah. And they don't stop playing. They just keep playing the nuns, keep walking the mother with the baby cares. Doesn't run off screaming. Everyone's like Batman in his bomb will get


out of our way. Yeah. It's no big deal. Guys. Come on. We live in God. And this happens all the time. Batman always pulls through right


before Batman shows up to get the bomb. The villains, dehydrate five Guinea pigs,


which are like extras men. Yeah. That get zapped just very calmly and plainly. They were, they had no concern. They had full faith in this project. Yeah.


Like once they started disintegrating, like one Nu when number one was turned into. 2 3, 4 and five didn't run away. They stayed there. No, they were just standing still and waited,


waited for their turn. I'll just get vaporized. Cool.


now out on the docks after we've gotten rid of the bombs and everything, the penguin poorly disguises himself as Commodor Schmidt, lap and schemes his way into the back cave with his five DEHA dehydrated henchman.


Yet the plan fails when the henchman unexpectedly disappear into anti-matter one. Oh, no. Yeah. The penguin mistakenly rehydrated them with toxic heavy water use to recharge. Caves atomic pile, leaving them highly unstable. Ugh. I know


about being highly


unstable. I know, but it's not that toxic heavy water that makes you that way. My life. Nope. It's


just my myself. Yes. So Batman has a plan though, and they fake a car breakdown with the Batmobile. And they let penguin steal the bat mobile, which he then calls the penguin mobile, of course. Yep. And they take the bat cycle to the airport where they catch up with the villains in the bat copter, but they're shot out of the sky by another Polaris missile.


yes, but luckily they land in the foam rubber wholesalers convention. Holy horseshoe. Batman. Yes. True. But I did think I had spotted it out of the corner of my eye. Yep. And then they, there we


did. Yeah. It's so funny. They began running across Goum to the United world building with Robinson. Holy marathon Batman.


Yeah. They were just, just running in front of this green screen for like five minutes in place.


Cool. Oh, well now they did run down fifth avenue at one point. Yeah. Like


you clearly see, you could see all the extras being like what the fuck is going on. Yeah.


Like it looked very much like. Rush hour in New York city on the sidewalks. Yeah. Cuz they were full and you have these two people in costumes running down an opposite traffic against all these people going to work. Yeah. That could care less.




Ultimately Batman and Robin are unable to prevent the kidnapping of the dehydrated United world organization. Security council. Nope. They go


down bickering all the way. Yep.


the villains escape using an abandoned submarine dock on the river because that's a thing. Yeah, of course.


Why not? Yeah. Now giving chase in the bat boat to retrieve them and miss Kita presumed by the duo is still captive. Robin uses a Sonic wave charged weapon to disable the penguin submarine forces it to surface too


soon. It must be back charges. And yes. Yeah. I love that. They all the villains have their own like cat woman does the perfectly. Yeah. And you've got Ridler with it. and P one with that. Wha and then joker has that big ha ha.


Thing. Yep. That's that's a lot. Yeah. And then that leads to a fist fight. Yep. Of course. I just love how they do all of their own stunts and you can clearly tell, and sometimes it's like really impressive, the choreography and other times they're like, good


enough. Yep. And we also had gotten two the Polaris missile that knocked them out of the sky. We got two more riles, what goes up white and comes down yellow and. it's an egg oh yes. An egg. And how do you divide 17 or 16 apples for 17 people make


it into apple


sauce, obviously, of course. And then they're like an egg. The ideal thing in the spirit of, and then applesauce, apples into applesauce, sharing resources. It's the United world building. And that's when they took off running. Obviously now one of the most well known things about the old Batman show are the sound effects that you see on screen when they're fighting like bam, pal w Biff BWA FLA. and all the villains go CA splash into the water, cuz they're fighting on top of the submarine. Yes.


Except for HECA who gets put gently and safely on a lifeboat after Batman carries it in his arms for just a bit too long during the fight. Yep.


And says on voyage pussy. Yes.


It's what he also said when he found out later that Catwoman is act or Kaka is


Catwoman. Yeah, because he chases her down, the submarine, she trips and the mask comes off. Holy


heartbreak, Batman,


Ugh. Say no more. We could, you might give away their identities. Yes. And then Commodor Schmit lab comes in, accidentally breaks. The powdered council members vials, sneezes them, scattering the dust, all to the winds.


Yes. I mean, what else can you say?


well, Batman sets to work, constructing an elaborate super molecular dust separator to filter the mingled dust.


Yes. Robin asks him whether it might be in the world's best interest for them to alter the dust sample. So the humans can no longer harm one another.


In response. Batman says that, you know, we can't do that. We don't play mother nature reminding Robin of the fate of penguins Hinchman and their tainted rehydrating. And can only hope for people in general to learn to live together peacefully on our own 60 years ago. And now it didn't work Batman,


it didn't work. I mean, what would you do with the particles? Would you find a way to modify the world leaders?


So I don't even like, it depends on what you would want to modify. the only way that it's ever going to possibly work is if people can see things from someone else's point of view, which is almost impossible to do. Yeah. Maybe just increase


their empathy a lot. That's


that would be excellent. now with the world, watching the security council is rehydrated. All the members are restored alive and well success, success. They've done it. They've done it, which is translated into all the languages of the security council.


Yes. But they continue to squabble amongst themselves. Totally oblivious of their surroundings. And then all the people are in the room. However though, each of them now speaks the language of another and displays the stereotypical mannerisms of a nation other than their own. And


that's only borderline racism.


Yes. Only


a little bit. Yeah. Some of this


did not age well, yeah, that I think, but that, that's one of the few things that do most of it is actually. Done very well. Yeah. And still is a fun camp be round. But before we end Batman quietly expresses his sincere hope to Batman that this strange mixing of minds does more good than harm.


And the duo quietly leaves the United world headquarters climbing out the window and descending on their bat ropes.


Yes. In order to not be conspicuous.


Yes. They're climbing down there outside of one of the most secure buildings


in the country just to leave quietly. How can we do this?


This is a thing. Usually not backwards. It's usually climbing up with the battering and a rope. And as a kid, I was always like, that is so cool. I wanna climb up the side of the building and dad was like, they just turned the camera on their side. They're walking normally just hunched over and. Like that kind of destroyed some of the magic for me in the child. So sad. oh, now, since this is your first time, what are your final


thoughts? I can see how, as a child, you would've loved this and. It was worth it for the, the, the moment, like some of those moments will like, stay with me ones. I wish that I forget are the poor purpose but I mean, I don't think that like, in some ways, like I'm like someone must have been like really stoned and watched this and made shark NATO. Yeah.


see. And even like, I don't know how many times I've watched this movie. Yeah, it's been a lot. But I was still laughing last night and smiling and enjoying it. Even as an adult, this movie is still fun for me. If you have never seen this version of Batman, I highly recommend it go into it, like allowing yourself to laugh, because that's what it's meant for. You're not supposed to take it seriously. Like any of the other Batman movies that you might have seen, this one is for fun. And I mean, if you don't laugh, You could end up, you know, the victim of a six ounce, dangerous thing sitting in a tree, a


Sparrow with a machine. Oh yes. We don't want that. No. and for those of you interested, it is available apparently on prime video for Amazon. There you go.


We of course own it because that's just.


I thought you were gonna try and deny it again.


no, I love this movie. I will never deny how much I love this movie.


Yes. And speaking of how getting stoned with movies, guess what we have in the park pipeline.


next week, we're gonna be experiencing reefer madness. Refer madness. This. So


mad. I know I'm very excited. There's nothing like a good musical, and this is one of the Campas musicals I


would say. And it has an amazing cast Kristin bell that everybody knows from frozen. Yes. Christian Campbell that we recently talked about from trick his sister ne Campbell from scream and a Gasti from Saturday night live, like we've got some really talented people in this. And it's a lot of fun,


so go watch it. So you're ready to talk about it with us next week. Yep.


Google it. I'm sure you'll be able to find it. It's a good time. It is a musical based on the 1930s propaganda film put out by the government. So it's fun. It's campy and these songs are hella catchy.


Yes. And in the meantime, I'd love to hear what you think of this episode. You can do that by getting in touch with us via email, happy life, pod,


gmail.com, or you can get in touch with us on all the socials, whether that is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, happy life pod.


And until next time everyone stay, stay happy.