A Lifetime of Happiness: Movies, TV, and Video Games

Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005)

Steve Bennet-Martin, Stephen Martin-Bennet Season 1 Episode 180

The Steves discuss the 2005 supernatural horror film, Urban Legends: Bloody Mary, along with how it caps off the Urban Legends Trilogy.

  • Our favorite death scenes
  • Names and numbers behind the scene
  • The shift from whodunit slashers to supernatural
  • Is this an end to a trilogy or a reboot/spin-off?
  • And much more!

Ending- Any music or audio clips were borrowed from the original source material.

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Hello, returning Happys and new listeners. This is Steve Bennett Martin. And this is


Steven Martin Bennett, and welcome to a lifetime of


happiness. The podcast where we take you on our journey through some of the movies, shows, and other bits of pop culture that are helping to keep us happy, while hopefully bring a smile to your face along the way. And we're


wrapping up our Urban Legends trilogy with the final straight to video slasher Urban Legends. Three, the


Bloody Mary. And there is a 50% chance, this is my first time watching it,


so I'm pretty sure it's actually a hundred percent chance.


Yeah, probably yes. But I mean the biggest difference between this movie and the two that we talked about previously in the last two weeks is that it's a supernatural force here. Yes. As someone who loves a good whodunit, but also loves a good ghost story, how do you feel the shift


works? I thought it was a fun, interesting way to go about it. It gave them more leniency when doing. Some of the urban legends that are a little more out there like the spiders. Yeah. Because things like that, it's a little hard to do with a killer. Yes. Yeah. And this way you could have a little bit of a, some ghosty magic make things happen.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean I definitely loved part of the fir first two, the mystery being who is doing it. Right. And that's what I love about the Scream Franchise being my favorite horror franchise. I love. When you get to find that mystery and there is I think something that is missing with this supernatural force, just it would be a good movie on its own, but. As part of a trilogy. It's an interesting way to wrap up a third rather than calling like a reboot or a, a spinoff or something different. Right. But yes, for those not in the know Urban Legend, bloody Mary was released on July 19th, 2005 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment with a budget of$3.5 million. And since it was home entertainment, we estimate revenue around 6.7 million. Which could have been worse.


Exactly. I mean, there was no. Marketing with it. Yeah. So if that was the budget, then they made money off of


it. Exactly. It's directed by Mary Lambert, written by Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris. And Stars Kate Mara as Sam Owens. Robert Vito as David Owens. Tina Lipford as Grace Ed Marino or Marinara. Marinara Sauce is Bill and Michael KOAs Bach.


Now the creative team is new to the franchise. Anybody that is familiar with Brian Singer's movies will know dirty and Harris because he helped with X-Men Godzilla and that horrible Superman movie.


Yes. And as for the actors and actresses, I recognize Kate Mara right away. She's always a joy, but I don't think I know any of these other people. So I


knew Tina Lipford. She plays Grace in this movie. She looked familiar. Yeah, she is spectacular in Queen Sugar as Aunt Violet. And Ed Marro, I remember from growing up, he plays Bill in this and he was big in the eighties on tv. He was one of the stars of Hill Street Blues, which was the biggest cop show at the time. Gotcha.


Alright. Can't believe I missed it. Alright. It's probably because it's before my time. You weren't born. Yes. Yes. So the movie starts in 1969. Ooh. 69. Three high school football players try to drug and kidnap their prom night dates because how else do you to celebrate prom when the after party's been called off while their plan works with two of the girls. The third Mary Banner, who never took her drink that was roofed, tries to escape. The football captain Willie chases her through the school and into a storage room where he punches her so hard. She's knocked out and bleeding from her head. He believes her to be dead, so he hides her body in the trunk in the back and tells his friend that she got away and to keep looking for her. Now I love like how it's a quick setup. Yeah. But I am very confused over the intention of drugging and kidnapping misfits at prom.


I mean, the movie Carrie Yeah. Is all about, but that


you like publicly humiliate her like it's bad intentions, but it's,


it's gonna be the same thing. They're supposed to leave them out in the middle of nowhere and then teach them that misfits will never be accepted. I mean, as they were going outside, you saw the prom queen who was. Willie's yeah, girlfriend say like he would ever be with somebody like you and, you know, being nasty and awful, so, yeah. They were just being mean teenagers.


I don't know. I just feel like if it involved driving 20 minutes out of the way just to drop them off, like I would've at least like peed on them or something. Like, well, I mean, if you think, and I mean at the time I, I'm surprised that there wasn't like date rape involved because, I mean, well,


they wouldn't have thought that these girls were


worth it. Well, I don't know. It just seems like a weird prank. But anyway, as far as urban myths or legends go, how does this story of the, the. Mary Banner death. So


there have been many a story of someone who goes missing in high school and never turns up people think she died or maybe her ghost haunts the school. Because of when all those stories allegedly took place, you know, it's pre-internet time. Mm-hmm. And so the Internet's not helpful in searches compared to now. So those stories are able to exist. Like this, you know, 1969 Internet's not gonna be, so somebody can say whatever and you can't Google and like back check. Yeah, yeah.


There's no Googling. Yes. Now, 30 years later, the story's told among three school girls during a sleepover, one of them Samantha had written an article in the school paper critical of the football players academic achievements or lack thereof. Yep. And subsequently, she, her friends and her brother David, are being treated as outcast by the rest of the school. They jokingly conjure bloody Mary after one hell of a pure pillow fight, and I was thrown off for even Sure did they summon bloody Mary because they did the, they didn't mention the mirror in the, the legend, but is it just that they


did mention the mirror in the legend, so they didn't really summon, so no, I don't think that they ended up conjuring her. I think that it was more that what happens next? Awakened the spirit of Mary Banner. I think it's just a coincidence and they used it for a plot device in the movie. It's kind of sloppy writing. Like if they had had the girls go into the downstairs bathroom and do it there, and it might be more believable, but laying on your back on pillows and sleeping bags and staring at the ceiling, I don't think is the proper way. To Conjure


Bloody Mary. Okay, good. And hopefully not saying Bloody Mary's name a whole bunch. When you're doing a podcast episode with a movie and its title, I think it's all about intention. There we go. And the next morning, David and his mom find the girls have gone missing only for Sam to walk in the front door three days later, mostly unharmed claiming they woke up in an old deserted mill on the other side of the state park. Apparently drugged with no knowledge of how they got there. The door was locked. Once they got out, they had to cross the state park to get back to civilization. There were only two that returned because one, they got hungry in eighth, the third. No, no, that didn't happen. But that would've explained why the two friends go missing for most of the rest of the movie. Most suspect a hoax on the girls part because they don't want to talk about it, which I mean, I don't know. I wouldn't wanna talk about a lot too.


It seems like victim la well, well, they also know exactly who did it and they know, and we're gonna get into that. But they also know who, how powerful the family members of those people are. And if this could happen now. It can only get worse and I know these girls still have to get through


high school, but I mean like, I mean, I remember the time that my two best friends and I went missing for 72 hours and did roofies just for attention. I mean, is that part of the high school experience for everyone? Is it just Sam? I'm pretty sure. Sam and her friends. Me and my friends, no, I think that's how you go


from sophomore to junior.


Okay, sounds good. Alright. Well, while Samantha's haunted by visions of a dead girl, bleeding from her head, we learned the douche bags from the team were involved. Coming to see the girls during the night claiming to just want to talk, but then I'm drugging them and leaving them. This leads the good brother David to play a detective and protector and follow his first suspect, Roger, who pops some pills and goes tanning to catch some sunshine while I relax, which isn't how people who go tanning talk. What


pills do you think he was popping?


The, the pills that help you relax for the sunshine? I don't know. Vitamin D I don't


know. Like yeah, were, were they pills like that make him more susceptible to UV rays or, I.


Or he was a pill head that there was no other reason for that being a plot point other than to show that he's a bad person. Yeah. I


don't, or like, oh, time to take my vitamins and then go take like, yeah, they, but it was a pill bottle, so it's not, it was definitely prescription. Yeah.


And while they did see receptionist chats on the phone, a ghostly force turns on the song played at the prom in 1969.


Nikki Harris says, I will always


be there. Yep. And turns the bed up to the max or past max cooking him to a crisp. Yeah. Now I never heard it directly. Well, I guess maybe it isn't, or is it an urban legend that you knew a girl or someone knew a girl who was died


tanning or, so the, the story or the urban legend that it goes around is that there was a bride that wanted the perfect tan. Before her wedding, but you know, you're only allowed to go at once a day at a tanning salon. Yeah.


So that's why I have three memberships.


Well, no, I'm kidding. She went to every tanning bed around town. Mm-hmm. And did the like 15, 20 minutes at all of them and allegedly She never woke up from her wedding night because she had cooked her insides and died. Okay. Wow. So that's the urban legend. And whenever you said that, I was like, wait a minute, this happened to a girl. Oh, damn.


It is an urban legend. Yes. I don't think that that's how tanning beds work. But between this movie and final destination, I always think twice before going into a tanning bed.


Yeah. Final destination has given me lots of things. Lay down tanning beds. Trucks with carrying giant logs construction equipment, hoisting things high overhead.


Would it be better being cooked alive if you were standing up in a standup tanning bed? I feel like I could


tr crawl out the top. Okay. Like, find a way to press, push myself up and out of the top of the


thing. I'm taking notes for my future horror movie Robert or Roger's Funeral. Sam sees Coach Jacoby putting a flower on the grave of Mario, a banner, and that definitely is not gonna come into play later.


Yeah, Heather drops off Samantha's two textbooks and Heather just doesn't understand why. Samantha's still upset over that. Sally, silly little time last week that her boyfriend has friends roofed and kidnap Samantha. But hints that this has happened before. And then David comes in the room once Heather leaves. Sam says that Heather was really cool about it, and


I mean, I'm just wondering how this is all okay. I mean, while we discuss that Heather gets a visit from the spider in the middle the night, but I'm sure she'll be fine. But yes. Now if classmates roofed and kidnapped you, Would you be like, Hey, there are accomplices or ao. Okay. In my book, they're pretty cool about the fact that their boyfriend kidnapped me. No. If


someone knew they would be dead to me. I was gonna say, there were


people in high school that I spent four years not talking to because I knew that they were friends with someone that I had an issue with, and they had never done anything other than just be someone I didn't like. Like let alone, if they had kidnapped me, roofed me, like dragged me away. I would never talk to any one of their friends, let alone think that they were cool or playing


it. Cool. So freshman year we were watching the Craft and it was, there was a blizzard that weekend, so everybody was snowed in and so we were drinking and watching the craft in one of my friends' dorm rooms. One of my friends and her boyfriend went to his dorm room to have sex, so it was just me and her roommate watching the craft. And I kept saying by the POWs of the Guardians of the watch towers of the North, I invoke thee. And I guess I got too annoying for her and I passed out and she wrapped to my mouth and duct tape. Oh yes, I do remember that. And so I woke up starting Oh. And tied my hands to the bed. Yeah. And I woke up starting to throw up and I couldn't get my hands free. And I was. All I could think was I'm going to asphyxiate on this. And so I got free and got that. And after I was sick, I went back in, cursed her out and it's been 23 years and I haven't talked to her.


There we go. Now Heather has a of spiders pop out of the zit that she develops the next morning.'cause we all know what was gonna happen with this. Yep. And impales herself on the mirror trying to get them off. She tears the two giant shards out of her face. Yeah. Even though they always tell you to leave them in when the spiders attack come from, from the inside taking a chunk of her skull out is more erupt and she bleeds to death. It's truly gruesome and a fantastic visualization of something that you've heard a million times before, but I've never seen it be like that gruesome with like the shards and carrying them off. It was really well done. I mean, it was. That was my favorite part of this entire movie was that death scene. Yeah. Sam hears the screaming'cause she lives two doors down and climbs up a tree and sees the spider scurrying away through the window, but no one believes her. Nope. Now, how many deaths before you'd think something supernatural or murderous was going on? I'm, I'd like the, if someone died, I'd be like, okay, weird. But like, if two people die, I'd be like, something's up.


So after the first one with the tanning bed, You know, you'd be like, oh, that's weird. Second one the next day or two days later and it's, you know, all a thousand spiders. Yeah. Coming out of this girl's face. At that point I'd be like, yeah, there's something going on here. So the football players create a conspiracy that it's the Owen siblings murdering people, which is weird. When they're the deviants who are drugging and kidnapping girls. Mm-hmm. One douche Tom is driving home when Bloody Mary's, bloody Mary's apparition causes him to freak out and so he pulls over. Finishes his beer gets out, another one starts drinking and decides he has to pee. So he goes over to pee on a high voltage fence, but he's having fun whizzing on it because it's off. And all of a sudden from his truck, we hear the prom song come on and. Mary turns on the fence, he immediately fries himself. And whenever the paramedics find him after having French fried wiener his finger is also missing. Mm-hmm. And the paramedic was like, be careful when you're drinking your beer. Remember that story about so-and-so was drinking? They found their finger in their beer. That's foreshadowing folks.


Yes, it is. Now, whether the fence was off or on, like why? Pee on a fence. As someone with a penis who loves flying it around, when I pee at things, I generally prefer a target. If there was nothing else but a fence, I would choose to be trying to aim through a hole in the fence so as not to hit the lines, even if the electricity was off, because it's a fun game, but I don't understand why. Wave it around signs and the holes of a fence. What about you


and growing up? You know, I. Lived on the edge of the woods out in the middle of nowhere. When we were out there You would pee on a tree? Yeah. Or a fence or a bush. Never. Just the ground. And I don't have a good reason for it. I mean the ground's just as good as places any, but people always just pee on the tree. Yeah, it makes


more sense now. And our homework, Samantha finds notes sent to Heather about the disappearance of Mary Banner and the homecoming kidnappings of 1969, which mirror what's happened to her now. As well as newspaper clippings outlining the events of the first two movies. Why though? Yeah,


so I think someone was just trying to shoehorn it in. Mm-hmm. Here's how I would've fixed it if Sam had found out about the previous two urban legend killers after doing some online research because her friends had started dying, like urban legends. Mm-hmm. And so let's say. Heather had only gotten a letter about Mary Banner and she's not at rest. Great. And then they go see Grace, and then they see Grace's things about all of the different stuff like that. And then she researches online like Pendleton, Alpine, urban legend deaths and be like, and then, you know, then you could say You bring in the other stories that way and Sam and her brother could have, David could have a conversation of, so do you think somebody's doing this like an alpine? And then they would be like, I mean, how like, and so then, and then it becomes a thing about the ghost. I think that would've been a better way and a smoother way. To bring in the other stories and then it would've felt more like a complete trilogy instead of this weird shoehorning in because he was reading an article about pen about Alpine or Pendleton and said the other, and I'm like, that was a voiceover. Didn't match the visuals.


Yeah, it's. It's a lot. Yeah. I mean, we could spend a whole other hour and a half time at what could have been better here, but we'll continue because every teen in extracurriculars has 24 7 access to their school. They a browse the school papers, archives and find out. Mary was never found that another victim committed suicide years later and that the third, Grace Taylor still lives in town before the suspicious football coach tells them


to leave. Yeah. Coach Jacoby just appears outta nowhere.


Yeah. Now this is not the first show that I've seen where kids hang out at school all night. Buffy's famous for it, but I feel like a lot of, but


Joss, or not Joss


but like it's something you see in TV shows all the time of kids hanging out or going to school at night for different things. Is that something that happens in real life? No,


there never without a faculty member present, play, rehearsal, TV stations, sports things. A teacher or faculty member is always going to be there. Like I, I really do think it's just a TV thing that kids can access to school whenever. Because, because they already have a set, like even on Buffy the, like, they're like the librarian Giles is there, so like there is a faculty


member there. Yeah. Now they visit Grace, who's mentally still in the seventies and I feel like there's nothing wrong with that. No. She claims that Mary, or rather her life force is exacting revenge on the children of the five people involved in the kidnapping because the children will always suffer the sins of their parents. But cannot or will not reveal the names of the perpetrators. Even though I could have told her 15 minutes ago that this was all bloody Mary doing this. Yeah. And who they probably are. Yeah. While Samantha's prone to believe her, David remains skeptical and thinks Grace is more likely to kill her because she made or collected artwork on the urban legend killings and gave Heather the news clippings Grace. Being guilty is ridiculous because nobody with such a groovy house could ever murder someone and mess up their good vibes. Only vibe that is.


A true statement 100%.


Now, I only realized as they were leaving this house that she was one of two girl or or three girls who was correct. This happened to. Why is this only happening to her and not her two friends? And by the way, where are these two friends?


Excellent questions. You know, I think if the girls hadn't been victims two, I think Mary would've come for them the way they turned their backs on Sam. Just to save. Their reputation at school, but it's a plot hole that could have been fixed rather easily. Like one girl, like you could be one girl that maybe is hospitalized because she keeps seeing ghosts and they can be throwaway things. And the other girl's like, no, I don't want to talk about it. Don't talk to me. Leave me alone. It's not real. It's not real like, Have both of them have been getting visions?


You mean have have them be characters?


Right. Okay. Except I would've recast that blonde girl'cause she was not


good. Yes. Now whether Grace is involved or not, she has artwork portraying the death so far. The siblings go to Warren Buck, who admits that he and his mates orchestrated Samantha this disappearance and blames her for the death of his friend. He also reveals that his father, the football coach, was one of the kidnappers in 1969, but didn't hurt Mary. Mm-hmm. Samantha, however, suspects that the coach was the one that killed Mary as she saw him put flowers on the headstone earlier. And you only do that for people. You're murdered. Absolutely.


I mean, do you know how many flowers I have to go around on a monthly basis and put on headstones?


Yes. Her stepfather, who overheard her, tells her to reveal any solid evidence she has, which is totally how innocent people respond to accusations.


Yep. Yeah. You know, we have this town that two times now they're like, you know, we should just kidnap the outcast girls and drop their unconscious body miles away, kids in their pranks. Am I right?


I, I mean, I'll just go back to it one last time, but driving 20 miles out of town.


Okay, so you can go, if you're driving 60 miles an hour mm-hmm. You can go a mile a minute. Yes. So if you're getting 20 miles, Outside of town, 20 minutes. Do you know how long it takes to walk a mile at a good pace? 15 minutes. Okay. So to get 20 to 25 miles. Yeah. Is walking all day, like you're just being mean at that point to somebody. So like yeah, there probably could have been better ways to do it, but I can definitely see. The motivation for it. Like it's


absolutely there. Okay. There we go. I guess it's just like, just seems like too much work. And I grew up in a time where like in a very rural area where I'm like, oh, so when they wake up they'll just find the nearest Uber. Yeah. Which I know isn't how it worked back then. But


either and an upset Buck tries to relax by drinking and watching porn in a CD motel. He almost gets his hands stuck in a vending machine. But as it's collapsing, he's able to. Pull his hand out just in time because we'd already heard about an urban legend of somebody being crushed by a vending machine. Yes. But he now gets free snacks and so he goes back with his bottle of liquor and we see in the bottom of the bottle is Tom's finger, although Buck didn't see it falling asleep. He has his dog with him and you know, he keeps. He keeps showing us repeatedly and putting his hand over the side of the bed for the dog to


lick. And I was like, gee, I wonder where we're going here. Being that this was an entire thing in the very last movie. Yeah.


And so he wakes up hearing a dripping sound, discovers his dog. I. He gutted and hanging in the closet and, but he had just had somebody lick his hands and then he sees the note people can lick too. Mary crawls out from under the bed and breaks the bottle against his head, and then she slashes him all to bits and everybody says that it was just a prostitute that killed him in a CD motel.


Yes. Now the porn quote unquote, yeah. Buck was watching was actually the dream sequence from Urban Legend's final cut last week, where Amy dreams, she's having sex with Trevor, although the audio is obviously faked.


So if I ever made an urban legend movie, there would be no domesticated animals harmed specifically puppies or cat. Rats and birds


are fair game, though. Yes. If I ever made an Urban Legend's trilogy, I wouldn't do the same urban legend as two deaths and two movies right in a row either.


I wouldn't either, and I could've easily found a million, A more painful way for Buck to die.


Yeah. All right. Now we find Sam's friends and they, we learn that they care just about as much what's happening to the jock cheerleaders who drugged and kidnapped them as I would in this situation. Right. That's, they just don't care. Yeah. I wouldn't either, I guess, and that's when I was like, okay, fair enough. But at least they exist. I was wondering whether we'd ever see them again. Right now. Meanwhile, both siblings are trying to find. Clues about the fifth remaining perpetrator, Samantha, by browsing through old photographs. David, by visiting Grace Again, grace still reviews us to to reveal the names, but directs him to the school archives. Going through the archives, he suddenly finds out the identity of the fifth person in Russia's home, but finds Sam Gunn is suffocated by a hooded man, just as I realized the fifth person's probably their stepfather. Yep. Now, why as grace would I send him to check the school archives if I have the information myself? So I don't


have a good reason for that other than it makes for a better reveal later on than her to just say, well, honey, I. You know that that's your stepdaddy that's been doing it. Like that's not as good of a reveal. As him being surprised goes home to tell Sam who it is dies and we don't find out till later like, that's a much better reveal if to fix this. They should have said to Great. Let Grace say whatever they gave me. I don't remember much about that night. I, I have my suspicions, but I can't confirm anything like, That. I think that would've been a better way to go.


Yeah. Now Samantha meanwhile has visions of Mary again revealing that the girl was not dead when being locked in the trunk, but, but rather suffocating later on, and also learns her whereabouts in the school basement. She also visits Grace, who tells her to find and bury Mary's corpse and reluctantly agrees to drive Samantha to the school.


And she hadn't been back to that school in 30 years,


and neither would I have now. While Grace is waiting in the van, Samantha finds the storage room and the trunk with Mary's corpse in it. The hooded man also appears and enters the storage room, but Sam locks him inside while carrying Mary's remains outside to the van in some very funny trips and fall moments. Yeah,


like she fell broke. Mary's ribs had to collect the ribs and put them back in there. But the one that made me giggle is when she couldn't get into the van. And she


just dumps up, up like, like it didn't matter. No, not at all. And but between that and just, if I was in a horror movie like this, I would be great. Just be like, fuck it, I'm getting high and going to sleep. Goodbye.


So do you think that the corpse would've smelled, or do you think because it's been 30 years, And it mummified and just became dust and everything, that there probably isn't a


smell. There must be a smell. I'm no scientist, but I would think that there would be a smell. I was like, she better gag. I mean, I know that like if we open up like a drawer of like clothes that we haven't been in in like a year, like it smells like mothballs. I can only imagine what a corpse would smell like after 30.


Yeah. Finding grace so high, she can't wake up or something. That's not how


I remember marijuana working. Samantha


calls her stepfather to tell him what is happening and where she's going, and she drives the van to the cemetery where she begins to dig a grave from Mary under her headstone. Her stepfather arrives and helps her digging and is asking, you know, have you told your mother about this? And then suddenly hits her with a shovel suddenly.


Yeah, I mean, I saw


it coming. Well, yes. Pursuing his stepdaughter through the graveyard Bill reveals that he was the one that locked Mary in the trunk and that he also killed David. And Grace tries to save the day, but Bill knocks her out and he finally captures Sam and is about to decapitate her with that same shovel. When Mary Banner in her living form appears as their song plays. Smiling towards Samantha. She embraces Bill, then reverts to her ghastly form and drags him with her into the grave and a swirl of some very random C G I effects that probably were very 2005. I


mean, it was like they had a special effects folder and they were like, let's do them all at once. I'm not complaining, but there was like nothing supernatural about that other than just someone was doing all of the effects.


And to which grace says


far out. And I agree. Yeah. Now was I surprised like during that I was like, wait a minute, that was David dying.


I know. I was really disappointed. I was hoping that it was just him being incapacitated.


Yeah. I mean, I don't know whether it, maybe it's because like. Mary was the one who killed all the people. And it's weird having like a human murder, another human in a movie about supernatural deaths, but just something felt


weird. I mean, I could see him covering it up. I just didn't, I, I, I liked David too much. I didn't want him


to die if he died, I wanted to see him like suffocate to death. I think


we pretty much saw him suffocating to death. I


don't know. I thought that maybe he was unconscious somewhere.


Also, I think that bill may have chloroform grace. In the,


oh, that makes sense. But again, you have to make your own head canon because


Right. Like I think that she may have gotten sleepy from the weeded and through the van chloroform her was my guess, because I. It was too


much. I mean, whatever. Yeah. Now, when Samantha wakes up, the grave is surrounded by police and medical personnel retrieving her stepfather's corpse. Mr. Owens is announced to have died of a heart attack while trying to dispose of Mary banner's remains and grace remarks to Samantha that now she's an urban legend too, now that half her family's dead and she's traumatized forever. And we all laugh because it's true.


And also you know, we see a news thing that it finally comes to light of all the people that were involved in Mary Banner's, death and disappearance. So none of them are gonna get a reprieve. Mary finally gets justice after all these years, and while there may be issues with the second and third of the Urban Legend series and it's not as strong as some other horror movie, trilogies and series and things. It's, this one was still rather enjoyable. Kate Mara did a fantastic job leading the movie. The spider scene was worth the price of admission alone.


Yeah, I mean, I love this. I just, I don't call it urban legends. I call this bloody Mary shenanigans.


Do you know that was actually the working title. It


was, they have Urban Legends one and two, and then they have Bloody Mary shenanigans. Yeah. Exactly. So starting next month, we're gonna be looking ahead into what's new in pop culture and keeping us happy. So if there's a new show that you've recently seen on Netflix or a movie you've seen out in theaters that you think that we've might have seen as well, and you want to hear us talk about it or that we should check out, you can always email us. You can do that by emailing us at Happy Life pod@gmail.com, or you


can get in touch with us on the socials, whether that is. Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. And we'd love to hear what's been making you happy because we have a pretty good idea that if you find it happy making, we will too. And we always wanna spread the happy around. Yes.


So until next time, everybody stay happy.